What I Did This Summer – by Marty the Robot

Marty in Italy
Marty in the Netherlands
Marty in Iceland
Marty in Japan

It’s hard for me to type so I’ve asked Nat from the Robotical team to upload this blog post for me. I wanted to tell you all about my summer.

This summer I got to use my translations skills again. Speaking +40 languages comes in handy! 

I’m super chatty and I love speaking and translating speech into different languages for my friends. Some teachers say I help kids develop communication skills. I’ve even been used to deliver a presentation on the Civil War! I have so much to learn. 

My Summer Diary

In May, I arrived in Iowa with my friends at Lincoln Elementary School, Osage. The kids created different outfits for us based on different staff members at the school. We were in a parade and were coded to thank each individual! So much fun. Special thanks to my friend Lori Randall, a Second Grade Teacher and Elementary Technology Coach for the Osage Community Schools, who has been a huge champion for me at the district. Congratulations on your retirement, Lori! Sorry I couldn’t make the party, hope you had a blast. 

10 Marty Robots dressed as different staff members at Lincoln Elementary School in Osage, Iowa

June was a busy month. I visited loads of places across the USA. I started at Palm Beach Day Academy in Florida, for their ‘Create and Innovate’ evening, where I was a total hit.

I then headed to Mobile, AL for the Alabama Educational Technology Conference (AETC). I took part in the Robotics Playground where teachers got to explore coding me to do different things. Thanks to our friends at PowerUp EDU who ensured I got to take part in the Playground.

Robotical then teamed up with Eduporium for their monthly grant program and 24 of my Marty friends were sent to 12 different deserving schools across the country to help spark creativity and curiosity in STEM. Here I am pictured with students at Bel Sanchez Elementary in Texas. 

From there, I headed to Denver, CO for ISTE24 – the biggest education technology show and a celebration of all things innovation in education. Busy with presentations, sessions and exhibitions all designed to help educators find the best ways to teach their students.

I was super honored to win Tech & Learning’s Best of Show Award, for the second year in a row! 

In July the team and I headed to Fabulous Vegas for the annual Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) conference. This is by far one of my favorite summer shows. 

I love talking to CS teachers about what matters to them. In fact, it was one of these serendipitous conversations that sparked the idea to create my ‘Show Code’ function. Now, students moving from block-based coding into text-based Python can use my Python translator to help bridge that big step. To check it out, head to MartyBlocks on the webapp and click on ‘Show Code’ at the top.

From there, I made a quick appearance at Carly & Adam’s STEM Teacher Summit where I got to listen to some incredible talks about making STEM accessible and fun for all.

A good portion of August was spent relaxing in the sun and watching the Paris Olympics. Can you guess which were my favorite sports to watch?

And that’s a wrap on my summer! I can’t wait to get back into classrooms and see my old friends.

Want to get in touch? Email hello@robotical.io and the lovely team will pass a message back to me. 

Marty x

🤖 ✌️
